Read Write Inc
RWInc is a scheme we use to teach Phonics and Reading. Phonics is the system of sounds that correspond to letters.
We teach children that a letter makes a sound e.g. the letter ‘s’ makes a ‘ssss’ sound. We teach them a picture and rhyme to remember this and to teach how to write each of the 26 letters in the alphabet (Set 1). See:
Its important to say these correctly. If you’re not sure ask your child, any staff or look at:
When they know some of these sounds we start to teach the children how to blend these together to make words using ‘Fred talk’. Such as c-a-t makes cat and f-i-sh makes fish.
Then we teach that pairs or 3 letters next to each other make a sound e.g. the letter a and y make 1 sound like in the words may and play. Again we use a picture and a phrase to help them remember these. This is Set 2. We are still teaching children to ‘Fred talk’ as well as teaching them ‘Red Words’ which are exceptions to the rules and can’t be ‘Fred talked’.
Alongside this we read books at an appropriate level to reinforce the same sounds. Your child will bring home the level below the one they are working on in school. These books have several ‘activities’ which your child will know (see p2/3 of a Home Reading book).
When they know one spelling (combination of letters) for each of the 44 sounds in the English language we teach them the names of the letters (as in the alphabet). After that we teach them Set 3 which has the most common alternative ways to spell sounds they already know including sounds like a-e where the a and e are so naughty they aren’t allowed to sit next to each other and the e sits of the end of the word.
Alongside this phonics we also are constantly teaching comprehension – the meaning of words and developing their understanding and vocabulary. We make it interesting and fun as well!
We also share other books, which you can do at home. See
Please click the links below to access the documents from the Phonics Workshop