2020/2021 School Year
14th May 2021
This week we have been celebrating lots of amazing things in Year 6.
Here are...
14th May 2021
This week in Y5 we have been reaching the conclusion of our current diary writing...
14th May 2021
As part of our learning through the year on festivals and celebrations we have learned...
14th May 2021
We done to all these fantastic children! You really have shown excellence this week!
14th May 2021
In Geography this week we have been looking at biomes and the animals that live...
13th May 2021
We have been thinking about plants that we see in garden (as opposed to wild flowers)...
13th May 2021
The children have been learning to about fractions. Firstly they had fun finding...
13th May 2021
The Year 2 children set up an experiment to test which were the best conditions...