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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
PLEASE NOTE that the School Office is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm. Thank you. | FS2 Workshop: Monday 3rd March 2025 | Early Reading, Writing & Mathematics | 3.30pm | all FS2 parents/carers invited | Child care provided | 'Dinosaur' the premiere - please click here | 2025-2026 SJF Calendar please click here. | SJF Recommended Book List 24-25 Please click here  | Latest Newsletters: Click here
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Y1 Maths: 2D shape

15th Nov 2020

This week the children have been learning to name and describe common 2D shapes. They have sorted pictures of them into sets and used them to make repeating patterns. 

You can support you child at home but spotting these shapes in the environment: square, triangle, circle, rectangle, oval. 

The children also created shape pictures.