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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Y1 Mathematics: 3D Shapes!

9th Nov 2020

Today the children have started a unit of work on shape and pattern. 

We watched a shape song video and had a recap of all the 3D shape names that we had learned in FS2. 

We could named a cube, a cuboid, a cylinder, a cone, a sphere and a pyramid!

The children investigated the number of flat faces each shape as well any curved surfaces e.g. a cylinder has two flat faces (circle shaped) at each end and 1 curved surface.

They then enjoyed two linked activities.  The first was building with 3D shapes (we discussed what shapes were easier to stack and why - flat faces) and the other was sorting pictures of real life objects into correct sets. 

Tomorrow we will introduce the vocabulary edges and vertices.