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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Advent Wreath

8th Dec 2023

This week our Y1 children created their own Advent wreath, thinking, as they did, about the signs and symbols of the season of Advent.

The children learn that the Advent wreath helps us to countdown to Jesus' birthday as we light the candles in turn, pray and get ready for the coming of Jesus. 

The wreath is circular to symbolise that Father's love for us has no beginning or end. The use of evergreens to decorate the circle reminds us that God's love for us will never die. We light candle, in turn, each week as we journey through Advent. Three purple candles represent hope, peace and love and the pink (or rose) candle, also known as the Gaudete candle, represents joy. The white candle, representing the light of Jesus, remains unlit until Christmas Day. 

We hope you like the pictures!