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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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After-School Sports Opportunities for All!

18th Nov 2020

At SJF we are proud to offer our children so many exciting after-school sports opportunities and we are disappointed that this is not able to happen because of the necessary COVID-secure precautions.

In response the Youth Sport Trust has created the YSTAfterSchool clubs programme online. 

The Youth Sport Trust’s After School Sport Club will be a live after-school sports session, led by specialist ‘Athlete Mentors’, that will be broadcast on the YST YouTube channel every day from 5pm during lockdown.

The clubs are about much more than physical fitness.

They will help children develop physical literacy and confidence to try lots of new sports, helping participating children to find a sport that is right for them.

Every day at 5pm until Friday 18th December, our children can join in with the live broadcast via this link:

Children, parents and carers can join in the conversation on social media using #YSTAfterSchool and tagging @YouthSportTrust across all social media formats.

You might need items from around your home for some sessions, but we can all help and give some ideas ahead of each club to adapt if you don’t have specific items. 

The different daily themes are below:

  • Adventure Monday: This might involve getting children to do floor, wall climbing and map reading all within their living room!
  • Tuesday Play: Imaginative play utilising resources in the house to create games and activities that get children active!
  • Wild Wednesday: High tempo competitive activities involving personal challenges
  • Thinking Thursday: Introducing cognitive challenges for children through movement. Active noughts and crosses and introducing an element of competition – whether that be against themselves, the clock, their siblings or remotely with friends
  • Fun Friday: A chance for children to let loose and have some fun. Dancing and doing what makes them feel good.