Be Safe - Be Happy Week 2018
5th Nov 2018
This week is 'Be Safe Be Happy Week' and this year we will focus on being happy and safe and in ourselves.
Throughout the week, the children will take part in a range of different activities that promote personal safety, happiness and well-being.
We will focus on:
- bullying in its different forms (and what we should do if we see it happening or experience it ourselves)
- being healthy and proud of who we are
- being respectful of others and everything they are
- personal hygiene
- eating healthily
- being safe online
- basic first aid
- personal safety (using NSPCC primary resources)
Across the week we will be working with:
- Links coaches completing sports groups with the children to promote sport and activity to help us feel positive, happy and healthy. The pupils are asked to come to school wearing their SJF PE uniform on the following days:
- FS2and KS1 pupils (Years 1 and 2) on Wednesday 7th November
- KS2 pupils (Years 3, 4, 5 and 26) on Thursday 8th November
- Taylor Shaw will be working with each class over two days; preparing healthy food with the children and doing some food tasting activities
- Mrs Finnegan, an internet safety expert from the Local Authority will be talking to the children about how to be safer online. There will also be two workshops for parents/carers after school in the Y6 classroom on Wednesday 7th November 2018 at 30pm (childcare provided) and at 5.00pm. You are all very welcome!
- a nurse will talk to the children about the importance of being hygienic
- a firefighter will talk to the younger children about fire safety
You will be able to see the children's work on the website and at our curriculum exhibition at the end of term.
Thank you.