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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Be Safe - Be Happy Week 2021

31st Oct 2021

Core to our ethos and mission is the belief that everyone, and especially our children, has the right to feel happy, safe and loved every day of their lives. We do lots of things to support and affirm our children so that they believe this and know what to do if they or someone they know does not feel happy, safe or loved.

One key strand of this important and ongoing work is our annual ‘Be Safe Be happy Week’, which always takes place straight after the school holiday at the beginning of Term 2 every year. Across school our children will participate in a range of different workshops led by staff and visitors that will explore issues around personal safety and wellbeing in different situations.

The week is about affirming and reassuring our children, not frightening them. It is about highlighting potential risks and dangers in age-appropriate ways and balancing this positively with advice and strategies for dealing with different scenarios that our children - or someone they know – might face.

A key message we share constantly with our children is to Tell! Tell! Tell! if something or someone ever stops them feeling happy safe or loved in or out of school, and this will be emphasised throughout the week.

The week’s workshops will include the following:

  • general fire safety, fireworks and safety with darker mornings and nights (South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue)
  • keeping safe by understanding the dangers of playing in building sites (Mr Paige)
  • understanding the benefits of healthy eating (Taylor Shaw)
  • understanding the benefits active living (karate) for wellbeing (LINKS School Sports Partnership)
  • understanding basic fire safety measures at home (Mrs Hadfield & Mrs Sambrook)
  • keeping safe by understanding the dangers of playing near railways (Mrs Broadhead)
  • keeping safe by understanding the dangers of playing near open water, canals and rivers (Miss Brownbill)
  • keeping safe when online (Mr Broadhead)
  • road safety (Mrs Barrett)
  • understanding what being ‘street-safe’ and the potential risks posed by strangers (Mr MacInness)
  • understanding how to be pro-respect & anti-bullying (Mr Smith)
  • understanding basic emergency first aid (Mr Smith)

We thank Mr Paige, one of our former parents, as well as our friends from South Yorkshore Fire and Rescue, Taylor Shaw and LINKS for their support.

PE in Be Safe – Be Happy Week 2021

Please note that all the children will have a special PE lesson on Friday 5th November 2021 led by our friends from the LINKS School Sports Partnership and asked to come to school wearing their PE uniform on that day.

The children in Y1, Y2, Y3, Y5 and Y6 will not have PE on their usual days and are asked to wear school uniform every day apart from Friday.

The children of FS2 will also need to come to school wearing their PE uniform on Monday 1st November 2021 for their pre-arranged ‘balance bike’ PE lesson and our Y4 swimmers will also need to come to school wearing PE uniform on Wednesday 3rd November 2021 for their scheduled local authority swimming lesson.