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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Y2 Be Safe Be Happy Week 2020

6th Nov 2020

This week we have looked at anti-bullying, internet safety, PANTS and wellbeing. The children of Y2 created a puzzle piece to show that when we are united we are stronger at promoting anti-bullying. They chose phrases such as ‘Be nice to one another!’; ‘Tell! Tell! Tell!’; ‘Work Together!’; ‘Celebrate differences!’ and ‘Love one another!’

We thought about internet safety too, and they created some rules:

  • Always ask a grown-up for help if you see anything strange or unusual on your tablet or phone!
  • Don’t download or install anything without asking a grown-up first!
  • Remember, not all games and videos are for children!
  • Don’t talk to strangers online and don’t tell them where you live!
  • Don’t share your personal information with anyone, i.e. passwords and usernames!
  • Only play on games that are for your age!
  • If you are ever unsure what to do, remember Buddy’s song, and always ask for help!

The children worked very hard all week. Well done Year 2!