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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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BSBHW 2019: A Busy Week in Y3!

6th Nov 2019

Today we have had a fantastic day learning all about how to keep fit and healthy.

This morning Taylor Shaw visited us.

They talked about the importance of keeping a good balanced diet. We learned how important it is to eat healthily and how we can do that by eating lots of fruit and vegetables and drinking lots of water.

We had a great time listening about how we can improve our diets and we even got the chance to make our own smoothies with both fruit and vegetables!

After break, we had a fantastic time with Castle Martial Arts. We learnt all about how keeping active can really help us stay happy. We learnt many new moves and impressed the visitors and Miss Brownbill with our fantastic listening and concentration throughout the session.

We were even lucky enough to have been taught by two of our experienced class mates who helped the instructors!