Our latest BYB Challenge!
Here is a message from Miss Barrett
Hello everyone! Well done for all your hard work in our latest 'Beat you Best' challenge this week, and special thanks to Katy, one of our Y6 SJF Sports Majors, for coming up with the challenge.
Some of you were so excited to try the challenge and then to return and beat your best scores, which was absolutely fantastic to see!
I would like to give a special mention to Pedro in Y1 and Renee in Y3 who came and had a go every day - never giving up!
Our next challenge, for the first week back, after what I hope will be a very relaxing holiday for you all, is a basketball bouncing challenge brought to you by another of our of our Y6 Sports Majors, Freddie.
He wants to see how many times you can bounce a basketball between your legs in 30 seconds!
Just remember to let me or Freddie know your scores. Good luck!