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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Our Latest Beat Your Best Challenge!

31st Mar 2023

Here is a message from Miss Barrett

Hello everyone! I hope you're all looking forward to a lovely Easter holiday. Before we break up for the Easter holiday, though, we have got one final BYB challenge for you all to attempt. Before I tell you about it, I want to say a huge thank you to Freddy, the Sports Major who came up with this week's fantastic long-jump challenge. I also want to thank everyone who had a go! We have never seen so many of you! A really special 'shout out' to Owen in Y6 who managed an astounding jump of 2.65 metres from a standing position! Absolutely fantastic!

This final challenge of the term comes from Oscar, another one of dedicated Sports Majors. Oscar has decided to organised a football-based challenge, seeing as it is the last week! All you will need is a football and a partner. 

It's a super-simple challenge that anyone can try, whether you are in FS2/Y1 all the way up to Y6! Simply pass the ball between you and your partner whilst keeping the ball under control. Make sure you take a step back after every pass to make sure it gets more and more challenging!

If you want a go please find Oscar or me at playtime - and don't forget to tell us your score!