Beat Your Best!
Mr Johnson’s Weekly Personal Challenge!
This week the children’s challenge was a rugby passing game. This fun activity was designed to test pupils’ rugby and passing skills and challenge them to improve over the week! There were three lanes with a pupil in each. One child started with the rugby ball. They then had to run forward before passing the ball to the person in the lane next to them. The important rule students had to remember when passing the rugby ball was that the ball could not be passed forwards (this is because in rugby passing the ball forward results in a penalty). In the challenge a forward pass resulted in a costly time penalty instead.
The challenge was therefore to move forward with the ball to the end of the lane as fast as possible, with accuracy of passing and good communication being key to success. The students soon realised that they needed to work together in order to make sure they were running at just the right speed to be in the right position to receive or make a pass. Well done to everyone who participated in this week's ‘Beat your Best Challenge’! Everyone did really well! Special mentions to the following:
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
Jenson |
Hugo Samuel |
Kathryn Bronte |
Max |
Harley |
Mitchell Phoebe |