Beat Your Best Weekly Challenge!
Well done to everyone who participated in the Week 2 challenge which was set up by our Sports Majors and Mr Johnson! The participants achieved some great scores.
Here are some special mentions to the following who managed to be beat their best!
- Y1: Charlotte /Isabel
- Y2: Erin/Bella
- Y3: Oscar/Bella
- Y4: Ruby/ Mateah
- Y5: Ethan/ Fred
- Y6: Amelia/ Sam
Thank you everyone who took part in this week’s (week 3) challenge which was set up by Sports Major Harry supported by the from other Sport Majors and Leaders. The objective was to throw and catch the ball as quickly as possible and see how many times it could be done in ten seconds.
Everyone who took part did a great job and I think we have all improved our catching skills as a result of this week’s game. Special mentions to the following for beating their best:
- Y1: Aurelia and Isobel
- Y2: Evelyn and Ava
- Y3: Ellie and Daniel
- Y4: Mitchel and Alan
- Y5: Mia
- Y6: Mitchel and Ava
Thank you all for joining in and make sure you look out for next week’s activity which sports major Archie will be leading!