FS2: Blast Off!
The young people of FS2 have been looking up at the sky! They have noticed that in the darker evenings they can see the moon and stars more easily on a clear night. Last week they were very lucky because there was a bright 'supermoon' for everyone to see!
The children are finding out about light, dark and shadows as well as the shiny materials that help us be seen in the dark.
The children have also been enjoying some lovely non-fiction books all about the moon, space and space travel.
In class the children have enjoyed writing on 'space paper' and unravelling space rocks to read special 'messages' or simple words, and our play dough has suddenly become very glittery as the children have used it to come up with some very imaginative creations.
We have also really loved seeing all the things that the children have been finding out at home with their mouse. Please keep updating 'Tapestry' so we can share and celebrate everything you do at home!