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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Book of the Week for Younger Children

3rd Jul 2021

This week’s book recommendation is from Mrs Walton and is called The Day the Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt, with illustrations by Oliver Jeffers.


Mrs Walton writes:

Both of my children enjoy Oliver Jeffers’ books and when we heard about this story we knew we had to give it a try! 

It is a fun and unusual story about a box of crayons who are unhappy about the way they are being treated.

They write letters to Duncan, their owner, explaining life from their perspective and how they have just had enough!

The illustrations are fantastic and the crayons all have such different personalities. At  the end the picture shows that we don't have to do the same as everyone else and that we can use our imagination and be different.

It is simply a lovely book that generates lots of talk.

If you would like to find out more or even buy it please click here.