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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Chinese Food in FS2

15th Feb 2019

This week the children enjoyed trying some Chinese food.

We had egg noodles, baby corn, mangetout and a touch of soy sauce.

We passed around a baby corn and some mangetout and talked about what they looked like, how they felt and whether they had smell.

We recapped about why it is so important to wash our hands and had some good ideas about how to be safe in the kitchen before we cooked and ate our delicious sir fry.

We listened carefully to the food as it cooked in the pan and thought of some great descriptive words to describe what we heard: sizzling, popping, crackling, sounds like rain, rain on the caravan roof!

We are pleased to say that every single child tried the food and we had many empty bowls. Some children tried it and were not as keen and some just left ‘the green stuff’ 😃