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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Y2 Christmas Reflection

9th Dec 2020

In our collective worship today we thought about what Christmas is really about.

At Christmas, time spent with our family, our friends and the lonely and unfortunate is more important than presents under the tree. Time spent together is the greatest gift, whether it be via the internet or in a home.


The children wanted to share their thoughts for Christmas:

We should remember family.

Be nice to our brothers and sisters.

Remember Jesus.

Love our friends.

God's love.

Spend time with everyone you love.

Think of poor people and donate things to help them.

Share love.

Remember Jesus' birthday.

Light up the world to show that love is all around.

Pray for people who are working Christmas day.

Jesus and God want us to be happy, safe and loved.

Pray for people all over the world that they have a peaceful Christmas.