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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Consultation: Relationships Education

29th Nov 2020

Last week I shared news about our new Relationship Education programme: ‘Life to the Full’ that we will be introducing from the beginning of Term 3 (January 2021).

Relationships Education is now statutory in all primary schools meaning that the compulsory elements will have to be taught to pupils in all schools.

The ‘Life to the Full’ programme that we have chosen was created specifically for Catholic primary schools and is being adopted by many other Catholic primary schools across the country. The programme is based on ‘A Model Catholic RSE Curriculum’ created by the Catholic Education Service and has been highlighted as a work of good practice by the Department for Education.

Last week we have invited you to review the programme and this week are have invited you to offer feedback. Before you do, please ensure that you have read and understood all the information in the 'Parent Consultation Tool' regarding the content of the 'Life to the Full' programme.

Details of how to access our survey were emailed to all parents and carers. Thank you.