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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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DETERMINATION: Our Term 1 Learning Value

13th Sep 2021

Last week our SJF Sports Majors led a whole school assembly.

They talked to the children about the school values and explained that this term we would be focusing on Determination.

Well done Sports Majors, you were fantastic, and spoke brilliantly! We are very proud of you all.


Our value for this term is ‘Determination’. Being determined is having the ability to keep going, even when there are setbacks. It’s accepting that things don’t always work out the way you expect them to, but continuing to set new goals that help you to grow as a person. Believing in yourself, being patient, and being the best that you can be are all important parts of determination!

What does determination look like to you?

  • you can say “Yes I can!”
  • you can set yourself your own challenging goals
  • you have confidence in yourself to keep going, even when things get tough

If you have determination what do you realise?

  • never, ever, ever give up
  • you can reach your potential if you believe in yourself
  • confidence gives you the strength to carry on when it’s really hard

How can you can show determination?

  • having a positive and determined mind-set
  • setting challenging goals and having the courage to try
  • be a superhero
  • say “Yes I can!”