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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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SJF Eco Team: Earth Day 2024

26th Apr 2024

Monday 22nd April was Earth Day, with this year's theme being Planet Vs Plastics.

The aim is to encourage countries, governments, organisations and individuals to take action to reduce plastic production by 60% by 2040. Shockingly, every square mile of the sea has more than 46,000 pieces of plastic in it, with 8 million tons added into the oceans each year.

Mrs Sambrook, our Geography lead, arranged for every class to learn more about Earth Day with lessons in every class on Monday, during which the children were encouraged to share ideas and thoughts about recycling, reducing use of plastic and to reflect on why it is important that we all work hard to protect the planet that God gifted to us.

Our SJF Eco Team is also proud to support Earth Day annually, and members hope that everyone in our community will get behind the aim of making those small but important changes at home, in order to make a big difference.

Some of the questions that were discussed in our lessons included:

  • Can we refuse to use plastic cutlery, straws and cups and tell why these items are a problem?
  • Can we choose food with no plastic packaging and try to buy plastic-free products?
  • Can we use reusable bags when we go shopping?
  • Can we buy loose products, taking a reusable container with us to the shops to put the items in?
  • Can we try to change to a more 'zero-waste' lifestyle and way of thinking? For example, we could use bamboo toothbrushes instead of plastic toothbrushes...

Chloe, in Y3, created a beautiful poster to show how we could try to make important changes, which will be added to our ever-growing 'SJF Eco Team Scrapbook' containing plans, ideas and inspiration. Thank you, Chloe!

Please click here for more information. Thank you.