SJF Eco Team update: Design A Swift Box Competition
Here is a message from Mrs Steenson, Coodinator.
This week, our SJF Eco Team met to decide on their focus of this term.
As it is Spring, and because we have had a huge focus on native birds this year, we are going to work on attracting swifts to nest in our SJF grounds.
Last year, the team did some amazing work with the Sheffield Swift Network, an organisation that works tirelessly to help the plight of these tremendously at-risk birds.
Swifts are known for their unusual nesting habits. They will choose a nest for life, usually in guttering or in the eaves of buildings. However, the increased use of modern plastic fascias and soffits means that swifts are unable to nest, and this has led to a huge decline in their numbers in recent years.
In a bid to address this, building owners are encouraged to install a 'Swift Brick', which is a hollow brick for these precious creatures to nest. The can easily replace existing bricks in any building and are straightforward to install. Alternatively, a Swift Box can be installed externally to any high wall and this is how the SJF Eco Team plans to help.
Our Swift Box will be installed in early May, as this is just before the swifts' nesting season. The box will be visible from the playground, and we hope that lots of children and their families will enjoy seeing the swifts in the late spring - this year - and for many years to come!
Our SJF Eco Team members also want to use this opportunity to fundraise for future projects, and have come up with a great way for everyone to get involved. They have created a Swift Box Design Competition, where the winning design (chosen by our team members) will be painted onto the box for all to see!
Template sheets will be available in all classrooms from Monday 3rd March 2025, and we encourage everyone to use their imagination and creativity to get involved!
It costs just £1 to enter and there is plenty of time, as the closing date is not until (Maundy) Thursday 27th March,the last day of this term!
Dominic, a Y6 team member, is looking forward to launching this project:
”We have been planning to use the Swift Box since I was in the team last year, and it’s great to finally see it happening! It’s a great competition, and gives everyone in our school a chance to join in with the Eco Team!”
The whole team is excited and cannot wait to see the entries. They really hope to raise lots of money for future 'eco' projects.