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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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SJF Eco Team - Update

20th Dec 2023

Here is a word from Mrs Steenson, coordinator of the SJF Eco Team: 

Our SJF Eco Team has already achieved an amazing amount during their first two terms in office.

They were brilliant representatives of our school during a virtual interview with the DfE Permanent Secretary and representatives of the Natural History Museum (in London), and are still working hard on their pioneering work for the 'Nature Park' app launched by the government earlier this year.

They have also worked in conjunction with our wonderful PTFA to make plans to continue developing our new wildlife space.

The children of the SJF Eco Team were also proud to be given the responsibility of creating the school Advent Wreath, which they made, and it was absolutely beautiful!

Here are a few words from Renae, one of our Y4 representatives:

“During our time at Eco Team so far we have been doing lots of interesting things. My favourite so far was our interview with the Natural History Museum. We are now working really hard on the ideas we’ve already had, and are so excited to work on the Nature Park app next year to improve what we do for our school.”

The children will meet again in the new year, and we are all looking forward to working outside more as the weather improves. I would like to thank the children for their hard work so far this year.