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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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FS2: The Visit Father Paul (Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church)!

3rd Oct 2019

Father Paul came to school today to visit the FS2 children!

The class sat and listened really well and asked Father Paul some good questions.

Father told the children a bit about what he does in the church and said that he had been a priest for 25 years!

The children remembered the prayers we say in school and also when in the day we say them.

Father Paul said that he recognised a few of our children and was looking forward to seeing us in church when we attend the Harvest Mass with the rest of the school (this will be our first Mass on Friday 25th October and families are welcome to attend.

Our class will sit with their buddies on the front pews and families are invited to sit towards the back of church.