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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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FS2 - The Pirate Crew!

13th Jul 2024

What an exciting way to round off all our activities this term where we have been finding out about coastal areas, the seaside and sea life! FS2 was looking ship shape on Friday morning when the children arrived. Even our snack had turned into Pirate Bananaaaarghs!

During lunchtime the Pirates (and mermaids) of FS2 crept into Y1 and captured Bobby Bear!

They left a message in a bottle, with a pirate question that had to be answered correctly so that Bobby Bear would be returned. We love Bobby Bear in FS2, so he had a great time as we went on a real Treasure Hunt. We received our reply from the Y1 children later later in the afternoon and returned Bobby with a treasure chest of treats for our Y1 friends.