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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Y1: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

25th Sep 2020

We we have been using the familiar story 'Goldilocks' as our focus. 

We began by discussing the title and author and thought about the illustration on the cover. 

We then read the book together as a class twice; to enjoy the book and help the children remember the sequence of events in the story. 

The children were asked lots of different questions about the characters and what happened in the story, to help them continue to develop their comprehension skills. They were even challenged to answer in full sentences! 

The next day Miss Wood reread the children the story, but this time it was all in the wrong order and the sequence was all muddled up!

Luckily the children spotted this! 

We then read the correct version again as a class.

The children retold the story orally, each child adding the next part of the story. 

Finally the children looked a illustrations from the story and together sequenced them correctly.  Each child then completed their own cut and stick activity ordering other pictures. 

After a drama activity during which the children acted out the story with their own self-made puppets the children thought about what the characters might be saying at different points in the story. 

They shared their ideas together and some even acted out to show what was being said the speech bubble! 

All of the children recorded their ideas on paper, writing simple sentences within speech bubbles. 

We continued to focus on remembering finger spaces and using a full stop at the end of each sentence.