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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Important Update: School Meals

9th Jul 2023

It is with sadness that I inform you of Taylor Shaw’s decision to increase the cost of school meals to £2.30 from September.

Our provider has been forced to increase the cost of meals in response to sharp increases in food prices. We know that increases like this can add significant pressures to household budgets so I assure you that we have worked with our providers to absorb cost increases where possible in order to minimise the impact.

We will continue to work with the local authority and other schools across our St Clare Catholic Multi Academy Trust to find different ways, collectively, that will help minimise future increases in the cost of school meals. In the meantime, if you do have any questions and/or concerns regarding this increase, please speak to us.

You can also contact the Community Helpline which is operated by Sheffield City Council either by clicking this link any time, or by calling the team on 0114 273 4567 (Monday to Friday – 8.30am to 6.00pm). If you need help getting online, phoning or understanding the information, then please let us know and we will help you.

The Sheffield Household Support Fund

People living in Sheffield who need help with food and home essentials can also apply to the Household Support Fund for a non-repayable grant. A grant is not a loan and so does not need to be paid back. This support is open to everyone in need, regardless of whether they have recourse to public funds or not. This means that if you are in real need but are not entitled to benefits because of your immigration status, for example, you can still apply without your immigration status being affected if you receive an award from the fund. To find out more about the Household Support Fund, please click here. Thank you.

‘Cost of Living Crisis: Advice, Support and Financial Help in Sheffield’

I have also attached a link to this document which is full of useful advice and links for anyone in Sheffield who is struggling now or who is worrying that they may struggle in the future. Please click here. Again, if you need any help getting online or understanding the information, please speak to us. Thank you.