Internet Safety @ SJF
At St John Fisher we take internet safety very seriously. We make sure that we understand the current risks (and potential risks) and aim to share this information regularly so that our parents and carers are well informed. It is our aim to keep internet safety at the forefront of our thinking, because whilst the online world has a hugely positive side when used responsibly; offering children access to a wealth of information and opportunities - it also opens the door – sadly - to a darker side where there are potential risks of cyber-bullying and exploitation.
Predators do not discriminate. They will target anyone, including children from any background and family. All children are potential targets, especially if they have unsupervised access to the internet via PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, smart TVs, gaming consuls, apps at home and whilst ‘roaming’ or even, via free Wi-Fi in shops as well as on buses, trams and in restaurants - even via a neighbour’s router that is not configured right.
At SJF, promoting the internet safety of all our children is a key segment of our wider safeguarding role. As Headteacher, I am the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) in our school. I am supported in this role by my Safeguarding Team of Deputy DSLs: Mrs Barrett, Mrs Hadfield and Mrs Pickering. Day-to-day, the administration of the role is looked after by Mrs Hadfield who, as Lead for Inclusion & Diversity at SJF, oversees the care of all vulnerable children supported by Mrs Pickering, our Learning and Inclusion Mentor.
Obviously ‘Safeguarding’ generally, and internet safety specifically, are also key Governor responsibilities. Overall, responsibility rests with our Chair of Governors, Mrs Sarah Ludlam, supported by our Vice Chair of Governors, Mr Matt Watters. However, the day-to-day monitoring of school systems and actions is now the responsibility of Mrs Clair Prestidge, who is our designated Link-Governor for Safeguarding. She reports directly to Mrs Ludlam and the full Governing Body. Mrs Prestidge, Mrs Hadfield and Mrs Pickering work closely together to ensure processes are effective and all staff receive appropriate and regular training and updates.
Internet safety is therefore a key feature of our Computing curriculum, led and coordinated in our school by Mr Broadhead. He also works closely with the local authority to ensure that staff and parents/carers are kept up-to-date and that the curriculum remains current and relevant to our children given the ever-changing nature of the risks they face. As well as the ongoing curriculum there are certain points of the year when there is an additional focus. ‘Be Safe – Be Happy Week’ is one and next Tuesday’s Internet Safety Day is another.
Parents/Carers can access resources via this link:, though they will also be emailed directly.
On Tuesday 5th February 2019, Mr Broadhead will deliver a presentation to parents/carers at 3.30pm in the Y6 classroom. Free and supervised childcare will be available for all pupils and younger siblings close by. The presentation will last about 45minutes and will provide updates on some of the current risks, including some new ones linked to the ‘Fortnite’ game which a number of our pupils now play. Please try to attend. If you can come please email us ( so that we have an idea of numbers. Thank you.