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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Y2 English: Jack and the Beanstalk - Our New Stories

26th May 2021

Last week we received a letter from the giant to say he was sorry for scaring Jack and that the he was lonely and wanted Jack to go back to visit.

As a class we thought how this could be a new story. 

The children wrote their beginnings yesterday and middle part of the story today. 

Tomorrow they will write the ending. 

They have made us so proud as they have included time adverbials, adjectives, conjunctions and lots of their own ideas.  They have written more than we have seen so far this year, by showing determination and focus to be their very best.

We are going to pass some to Mrs Darken in FS2 for her to read to her class.

Well done everyone, we are very proud teachers!