Y1 Mathematics: Investigating Length
Last week we started looking at how long or short things were.
The children compared objects and tried hard to used the correct vocabulary.
On Friday I asked the children to try to help me find out which was the longest and shortest snake.
It was tricky as many were very similar in length.
Together they came to the conclusion that we needed to line them up.
After I did this badly, the children offered pointers as to how to line them all up against a line with the tip of all the snakes' tongues touching the line.
Then it was easy to see the longest and shortest.
We were then able to take our learning a step further on by then ordering the snakes along the line.
The children then completed a linked activity using paper strips.
Later in the week we will be measuring the length of objects using non-standard measure (paperclips, cubes, coins etc.).