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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Mission Together Appeal 2019/20

22nd Sep 2019

Mission Together

Mission Together’ is one of our SJF House charities.

This year it will be supported by the young people of St George’s House (red).

Mission Together is a charity that Bishop Ralph would like all Catholic primary schools to support. I was therefore delighted to welcome Mrs Anne Dunphy back to St John Fisher recently, in order to lead a special assembly at the beginning of term.

Mission Together is the Pope's official children's charity for overseas mission. Previously known as Holy Childhood, Mission Together has been working in Catholic schools and parishes worldwide since 1843, encouraging children to pray, fundraise and become missionaries themselves - children helping children.

Mission Together in England and Wales continues this tradition by providing spiritual and educational resources throughout the year focused on the Gospel, liturgical seasons and on their various overseas projects. 

Please be generous in filling the boxes over the next few weeks with your loose change and encourage your visitors to do the same in support of this very special and worthwhile charity. Please follow this link to the website for more information:

Thank you.