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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Numbers to 20

6th Jan 2020

This week we are beginning to work with numbers 11-20, firstly recognising them, then ordering them and finally counting forwards and backwards, saying one more and one less than a given number. 

Then we will learn facts like:

  • 12 is made from 10 and 2
  • 16 is made with 10 and 6       and so on...

All this supports the early learning place value which is something that we will spend lots of time focusing on over the coming weeks

  • e.g. in the number 15 the 1 is equivalent 1 x 10 and the 5 is equivalent to 5 x 1 so 10+5 = 15 

Please support your child to recognise numbers from 11 to 20 and keep practising counting from 0 to 20 and from 20 to 0 confidently and accurately.

Can they say one more or one less

What is 10 and 4 more? 


Look out for maths homework on 'Mymaths' on Friday 10th January 2020.