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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Official Statements

5th Feb 2025

Steve Davies on behalf of All Saints Catholic High School

Yesterday All Saints Catholic High School lost one of our own in the most shocking and tragic of circumstances.


Harvey was an invaluable part of our school community. An immensely popular young man with his fellow students and teachers alike, he had a smile that would light up the room. Harvey was young. He was precious. He was loved.

We are all struggling to process what has happened and our thoughts and prayers are with Harvey’s family and friends at this incredibly difficult time.


It is unimaginable to comprehend what they are going through and whilst there are no words that will take away the pain and grief from Harvey’s family and friends, I simply want to express, on behalf of the whole school community, our heartfelt condolences.  


A tragic and shocking incident such as this shakes us to our core and is the opposite of the ethos of what All Saints stands for - a loving, caring school community.   We now need to focus on how we can support those grieving the loss of their precious family member, friend and student.  


We have been grateful for the number of other agencies and services who have reached out and, together with our wider Trust family of schools, we will do all we can to support leaders and staff at the school as they help their community to navigate through the days, weeks and months ahead.  


I understand and appreciate the upset and fear that families will be feeling at this time.  


All Saints has always been proud of the warmth, care and love that the school is known for. We will all need to draw on those qualities in rebuilding confidence.  


We are assisting the police in their ongoing investigation and echo their call to refrain from engaging in speculation and misinformation whilst they establish the facts behind this tragic incident.


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Bishop Ralph Heskett, Bishop of Hallam


Our prayers, and those of every parish and school, are with Harvey, his parents, family, and friends for a young life lost and all those affected by this tragedy.


My thoughts are also with the students, staff and community of All Saints Catholic High School at this time.


In God’s peace, and in God’s presence, we must come together as a community of faith to comfort each other.


I will be asking all priests of the diocese to offer Mass for Harvey. St Marie's Cathedral is open for those wanting a place for private prayer and there will be a Mass at St Joseph's, Handsworth at 10.00 on Saturday 8th February for Harvey’s intention.


We ask for the loving intercession of Our Lady of Perpetual Help to comfort all those in mourning.


May God bless us all


Rt Rev Ralph Heskett CSsr

Bishop of Hallam


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Father Mark McManus, Parish Priest at St Joseph’s, Handsworth


A Mass for Harvey Willgoose RIP, on Saturday, 8 February, at 10.00am, at St Joseph’s Church, Handsworth


Harvey was a former pupil of St Joseph’s Academy and, along with the members of our community who attend All Saints High School, many will have been affected by his death – some very closely.


Our parish has a particular bond with St Joseph’s School and close ties with All Saints School. It would then seem most appropriate that we offer our support wherever and whenever we can and most especially through our public prayer.


Our Mass will be offered for Harvey and his family, & friends, for the two school communities and for all who have been marked or touched by this terrible tragedy.


Eternal rest grant unto Harvey, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.


Fr Mark McManus

Parish Priest St Joseph's, Handsworth



13th March 1996
Eternal rest
Grant unto them O Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon them
May they rest in peace. Amen.
13th March 1996
PTFA Rainbow Raffle 2025