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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Y1: Our Visit to Old Moor Wetlands!

18th May 2019

We had such a fantastic day at this amazing RSPB reserve! 

The weather was extra kind and the children were engaged and so well behaved! They were an absolute credit to their parents and to our school!  

We were 'plant detectives' which was a super way to apply our classroom learning from last week as we investigated the different flowers and plants. 

In the grasslands the children went on a mini-beast hunt; using different methods to collect the bugs safely. 

Working independently, they then used a chart in order to identify them. 

There was lots of super scientific work happening! 

A huge thank you to all the parents and grandparents who gave up their time to accompany us and support the learning today.  

We hope your child had a great time and enjoys sharing their experiences with you. Please enjoy the photographs.