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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Our Book of the Week for Older Children

3rd Oct 2021

This week’s feature book for our older children is ‘Absolutely Everything!’ by Christopher Lloyd. How was our universe made from a tiny speck of energy? Where did the first trees, plants, animals and humans come from? What happened to the dinosaurs? What was so miserable about medieval times? How were railways and electricity invented? What are the dangers of global warming?

These are just a few of the thousands of questions that you will discover the answers to inside this book! From the Neanderthals to the Wright Brothers, from dinosaurs to plastic, embark on an entertaining journey across millennia and continents. With photos, illustrations, timelines and maps in every chapter, there is no better way to understand the earth’s entire history than with this captivating book by Christopher Lloyd, author of the bestselling What on Earth Happened? and editor of the Britannica All New Children’s Encyclopaedia. Please click here to find out more about the book or order it.

Please click here and check out the ‘Fantastic Books to Read’ section of our SJF website for more information about these and all previous book recommendations!