Y1: Our Favourite Toys
The children have been thinking about their favourite toys.
As we were not able to bring them into school this year, the children spent time talking about them with one another, describing them carefully and talking about why they were so special.
Mrs Sambrook showed the children her all-time favourite toy (a teddy) and shared some of her memories.
The children then drew their favourite toys adding simple sentences to describe them. They all tried really hard and were careful to use finger spaces, fill stops, neat writing and their phonics knowledge to 'sound out' words.
We will continue our exploration of toys as we think about how toys have changed over the years.
We have toys in school that are older and the children will be be detectives as they work out which toys are old and which are newer!
If you have any of your old toys at home (or even grandparent's toys) it would be fantastic to share these with your child to support work we will be doing in class. Sadly, they will not be able to bring them in.