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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Our Feast Day Mass

24th Jun 2023

This week we celebrated the feast of St John Fisher, our school’s patron. Last week we shared information about this remarkable man, who was passionate about education. This is why so many schools are named in his honour. Though he was born in to an ordinary family, it was education that opened his eyes to a world of possibilities, and allowed him to chase and achieve his ambitions. His journey led him to become a national figure: Chancellor of Cambridge University, Bishop of Rochester, a friend, advisor and teacher of Kings and Queens and even a Cardinal, though by this time he was in prison, awaiting execution.

St John Fisher’s life is therefore a great example to us, because of his education and faith. His example shows us that education and faith can also enable us to fulfil our potential and achieve our dreams and ambitions, whatever they are. They can open doors to all sorts of fantastic possibilities. Education is not just about understanding our world, it is also about understanding ourselves too. St John Fisher’s education and faith emboldened him and gave him the strength and purpose to chase his dreams not just for his benefit but also for the benefit of the world. Both enabled him to make a stand for what he believed, not through physical strength, threats and violence, but humbly and with calm and reasoned argument. He had the courage to say what he thought, respectfully, and his example encourages us to do and be the same in our lives today.

I would like to thank Fr Bede for leading the joyous celebration. I would like to thank Mrs Broadhead and Mrs Walton for preparing the Y3 children so well to lead the liturgy with such confidence and spirit! I would like to thank all the children involved in the Mass, including all our wonderful First Holy Communicants, who again wore their special First Holy Communion clothes during Mass. I would like to thank our musicians for helping to prepare and for leading the uplifting music liturgy; the children in other classes for their excellent behaviour and participation in the liturgy; and finally, the families and our friends from the parish for their support and for helping to make the Mass such a special occasion.

Please see below (or click here) to watch a recording of the Mass.