Our Latest SJF Feature Books of the Week
For our latest SJF book list (2024-25) please click here. Thank you.
How to be a Tiger
George Szirtes
"The tiger growls, its eyes ablaze,
But we too have our tiger ways,
We too can pad through the dark wood
Of the cosmic neighbourhood."
Leap with hares, call out to the sun, run with the wind, pull silly faces with monkeys, watch out for the bear in the bathroom and meet a burping princess!
A fantastic new collection for younger children from a prize-winning poet. These poems are perfect for curious young minds, ready for adventures.
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A Drop in the Ocean: The Story of Water
A brand new edition of A Drop in the Ocean from the Science Works series, featuring lively storytelling and fun, engaging illustrations to aid children in their learning.
Our world is full of water. We swim in it. We Swallow it. We are even made of it (mostly).
In this revised edition from Jacqui Bailey, we follow the passage of a water droplet, from the time when it evaporates from the ocean and becomes the water vapour that makes up clouds to the moment it falls as rain.
We learn how water is cleaned and used before being returned once again to this never-ending cycle.
This book also contains an experiment, more great facts to know, useful websites and an index.
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