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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Y1 Geography: Our School!

8th May 2021

Yesterday, in a Geography lesson, the children were thinking about our school.

They began by looking at a photograph of our school that was taken from above. This really helped to get them excited as they could see their school in a very different way!

In pairs, the children then looked more closely at the photograph and investigated the human and physical features that could be identified, which included the car park; the trees; the FS2 outdoor area; the climbing frame; the field; and the different garden areas. 

Outside the children spotted a few more features before the rain and appalling weather conditions sadly put an end to our investigations! 

The children then labelled photos of school, noting carefully whether features were 'human' or 'physical'. 

Next week we will be thinking about plan view and how we can draw a simple diagram of the school.