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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Y1: The Visit of Paddington Bear!

7th Mar 2020

Here is a message from Mrs Sambrook!

Today the children had a huge surprise when Paddington Bear knocked on the door of our classroom! 

The children were very shocked and excited and wanted to ask Paddington lots of questions about what it is like living with Mr and Mrs Brown in their house. 

The children tried really hard to use question words such as, what? Where? When? How? Why? Who? 

They listened carefully to his answers... ...or so Mrs Golland tells me!

Can you believe that I missed it all?

I was called out for an urgent phone call and when I returned Paddington had gone! I was so disappointed!

Luckily the children were able to recall lots of information but as it was difficult for me to listen to everyone at the same time I asked them to write everything down for me to read in my own time. 

The children worked so hard and produced some beautiful writing! I was so impressed and proud of them! 

I cannot wait to read everything!