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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Parent/Carer Feedback (2018/19)

14th Jun 2019

Earlier this year we asked parents and carers what you thought of St John Fisher.

We received 65 responses, thank you.

All respondents who shared an idea or concern were contacted and given the opportunity to come in and meet with us in order to discuss their response(s) and we then used the constructive feedback as part of our ongoing self-assessment and school improvement processes.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete and return a questionnaire and a special thank you to those who were able to come in and meet with us.

The Governors and staff want St John Fisher to be the best possible school for all our children and so we welcome your feedback and ideas in the questionnaires and at any time. 

The feedback summary can be found in the Parent's section, or via this link:

Thank you for your continued support.