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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Passion: Our Term 6 Learning Value

3rd Jun 2023

Our Term 6 SJF Learning Value is passion.

Passion is very important because it is what motivates us and drives us on more than anything else - even when we find something tough to do or understand. It enables us to be resilient and to keep pushing on to go further and further.

Passion comes from deep within us and we show that we have passion when we are extremely committed to something and really care about it. Our passion can be demonstrated in both obvious and quiet ways. It enables us to be focused, determined and fearless when learning and confronting challenges.

Having passion can drive a person to achieve much more than they ever thought possible; overcoming all sorts of barriers and challenges along the way! It can make learning, and life generally, more exciting too!

Passionate people inspire others to also be passionate and strong too. Being passionate encourages us to believe in ourselves and to be more confident and resilient – all important for learning and wellbeing.

The world needs passionate people because even just one passionate person can change it for the better!