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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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Y1: Safer Internet Day 2022

6th Feb 2022

Our focus in Year 1 today has been : 

Keeping Personal Information Safe

  • I can get into character by making my own ‘Digi Duck’, ‘Wise Owl’ or ‘Eagle Owl’ mask
  • I can remember key messages about being safe, including:
    • asking for help if something pops-up on the screen
    • asking permission before downloading something new
    • keep passwords to myself and not sharing them with friends
    • having trusted people to tell if I am worried by anthing when I am online
  • I can explore the feelings of different characters using emojis
  • I can think about how to personal information safely
    • keeping it private and offline
    • what is safe and appropriate to share online?

The children were great at showing (using their emoji fans) how the characters in the story may be feeling. We then discussed 'why' they may feel that way and what to do and who to tell (trusted adults). 

The children know that the internet has lots of advantages and can be fun but that they should always be with an adult when online. 

Please ask your child what they have been learning as this is an excellent way to open discussions with them.