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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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SJF Coronation Day

7th May 2023

The whole school community came together to enjoy a buffet lunch in the school hall, when the weather forecast meant that our original plans for a big picnic had to to reworked. The school hall was decorated by our lunchtime team, Mrs Bower, Mrs Cutts, Mrs Gregory, Mrs Hollingworth, Mrs Seaton and Mrs Thomas along with our school Office team, Mrs Grayson and Mrs Ramsden - who had also ordered coronation banners and bunting to help make the day feel extra-special for everyone. The children enjoyed various coronation-themed lessons and activities as they marked this significant moment in the life of our nation.   

The children met up with buddies before lunch and came down to the school hall tohether. Mrs Hadfield then led everyone in an enthusiastic rendition of the national anthem before the children and their buddies sat down to enjoy their coronation lunches together. 

Colleagues were on hand to make sure that all the children were happy and well looked after and a good time was had by all.

I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to make it such a special and memorable day; Mrs Ramsden and Mrs Grayson; our wonderful lunchtime supervisors and our fantastic teaching and learning team. I would like to thank our incredible PTFA for organising the coronation cake sale and for providing a memento for every child in school.

The children were amazing, as they always are, and really entered in to the spirit of the day with such enthusiasm!