SJF Curriculum Showcase (23-03-22)
Thank you to everyone who visited our Curriculum Showcase today.
It is fitting that it has taken place on the second anniversary of the first national lockdown.
It has been a true celebration of our children's learning journeys, reflecting not just their hard work, but also the hard work of all those who support them at home and in school.
The children have worked extremely hard and this work is a snapshot of what has been done since we returned in the second week of January for the start of Term 3.
the children were wonderful curators and talked excitedly about their learning and curriculum to our visitors.
we also had representatives of our SJF Eco Team, Healthy Minds Champions, Chaplaincy Team and School Council to talk about the different and important ways that they support school life.
Thank you to our wonderful friends from the PTFA for providing refreshments and for running a pre-loved uniform sale.