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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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SJF Eco Team Update

12th Dec 2023
This week, our Y6 Eco Team members met to discuss ideas for fulfilling our pledge to increase eco awareness across the wider school.

At the start of the year, we started an SJF Eco scrapbook, as a way of members keeping their classmates up-to-date with the amazing things they get up to, in a bid to raise greater awareness. Here is a word from Alfie, one of our Y6 members:

“The Eco Team has been working on sharing our projects with the rest of the school
through our scrapbook of news. We hope this will inspire and encourage
others to follow in our footsteps and be more eco-friendly themselves.”

The SJF Eco Team scrapbook is available to look through in the Marie Kerley Library.