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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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SJF Eco Team News

5th Nov 2023

Here is a word from Mrs Steenson our SJF Eco Team coordinator:

This week, the Eco Team took part in a virtual meeting Susan Acland-Hood, the Permanent Secretary of the Department for Education and the Natural History Museum. The comments about our children were wonderful, and we are all very proud of the whole team.

Here is a word from Katie, a Y6 SJF Eco Team member:

“In our meeting with the Department for Education we talked about our eco pledge and our new wildlife area. We are going to use their app and resources to make our school more environmentally friendly. It was a very important meeting, and we all felt nervous and excited! It will help us in the future to make our school the place we want it to be.”

We also thank Mrs Cooper and Mrs Pattison, our PTFA Co-Chairs, (i) for both joining the children for the interview and (ii) for their amazing support of this incredible project.

This week the team from Wild Scapes finished the second phase which saw the completion of the new boardwalk and jetty. We thank them for their hard work and for all their advice to ensure that the area will be successful in supporting local biodiversity.

The pond has been lined with a natural and watertight composite that is designed to expand and solidify as it settles and comes in to contact with moisture. They have installed an overflow channel in to the wild copse that is being maintained at the centre of our new wildlife area.

The third phase will see the completion of the planting in and around the new pond, which will include wild flowers, flower bulbs, grasses, bushes and saplings.

The final phase will see the installation of new storage for tools and equipment to maintain the wildlife area as well as a covered learning space within the area.