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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
PLEASE NOTE that the School Office is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm. Thank you. | Non-uniform day on Friday 28th March 2025, in support of the PTFA Rainbow Raffle. Please click here.  | Term 4 Curriculum Overviews please click here . | All Saints transition information, please click here  | WBD25 Check out the 'News' section class pages for more pictures here     | SJF Healthy Minds Podcast - Episode 8 - click here  | SJF Eco Team competition! Please click here. | WE NEED YOU! Ever thought about becoming a Governor? Please click here. | Our Term 4 Learning Value is self-belief. | Term 4 Wake Up! Shake Up! routines are available here  | 'Dinosaur' the premiere - please click here | 2025-2026 SJF Calendar please click here. | SJF Recommended Book List 24-25 Please click here  | Latest Newsletters: Click here
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SJF Governor Update

13th Oct 2024
Our Governors are key to supporting the ethos and strategic direction of our special school community, which is now part of the St Clare Catholic Multi-Academy Trust. It is a time of extreme challenge for all schools because of historic funding issues and an overstretched citywide SEND provision. We are putting a call out for you to consider becoming a Governor.

Why become a Foundation Governor?

Governors have an important part to play in helping schools to run effectively. They work as part of a team with the Headteacher and school staff to help provide a happy, safe and thriving learning environment and an excellent education for all the children. As a Foundation Governor, you will understand and have first-hand knowledge of how the school is run. You will have the opportunity to work toward improving the school experience not only for your own child but for those in years to come.

This voluntary role can be challenging but it is extremely rewarding and is a great way to build on your personal and professional skills. You will be supported in the role through a programme of training and mentoring allowing you to use your knowledge and experience to the full extent.

What will you do?

You will work as part of the Local Academy Committee (LAC) to develop the school’s vision and priorities, review educational performance, and make strategic decisions. You will receive reports from the senior leaders and will be expected to be able to question, challenge and/or support decisions. Governor meetings are held nine times a year and you will also be encouraged to undertake school visits focused on school priorities or areas such as SEND, safeguarding and Health and Safety. Visiting the school as a governor can be a quite different experience to visiting as a parent.

What are we looking for?

We need enthusiastic and committed Foundation Governors from a variety of backgrounds. You do not need leadership or education experience; just a desire to give back to the school and its community and a proactive approach to becoming involved as a member of a team. We are seeking individuals from as many different backgrounds as possible to fully reflect the community the school serves; everyone has something to offer.

Next steps…

If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Dan Beever, our Chair of Governors, by email or speak to someone in the school office or contact us via phone (01142485009) or email ( Thank you
PTFA Rainbow Raffle 2025