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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
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SJF Healthy Minds Champions

27th Mar 2022

This week, our ‘Champions’ received their new silver stars, symbols of our important new Healthy Minds initiative.

They also met visitors at this week’s special SJF Curriculum Showcase and talked about their special role in school life.

The children were also given a laminated Healthy Minds mini-whiteboard to support them in the special role. During today’s Celebration Assembly, they shared a short update at today’s Celebration Assembly, touching upon some of the short, medium and longer-term plans that they hope to implement in school, once approved, in partnership with Lynette Greenacre (Healthy Minds, NHS Team). 

“The work that we’ve done so far is very exciting. The ideas we have are amazing

– I can’t wait to see them happen around school.”

Bella-Rae (SJF HM Champion)