Our next Opening Morning will be on Saturday 5th October 2019 from 10.00am - 12.00pm.
If you know anyone who interested in finding out more about our special school please let them know and encourage them to come along and meet us.
We are especially interested in welcoming the parents and carers of children who are due to start school next September. It will be a good opportunity to meet children, staff, Governors and members of the PTFA.
We are very fortunate that places at our school are now in demand. We have more children than at any point since I started in September 2012.
Our planned admissions number is 210 but Governors will accept up to 32 in KS2 classes (Years 3-6) where there is no statutory limit.
Currently we have 216 pupils on roll and just 218 places.
Demand for places in FS2 has increased year on year and so we always advise that people come along to the Open Morning and arrange a separate visit before applying.
Please note that we also accept children of all faiths and no faith, if there are spaces once the admissions criteria has been applied, so please do encourage friends and family to come along whether they are Catholic or not.
Thank you.